Foundation, Fragmentation, Fruition

Reactions & Reviews.

“This is an important contribution that will serve as a foundation stone for the future prevention of crimes against humanity.” — Benjamin B. Ferencz, Nuremberg Prosecutor, Foreword


“Atrocity Speech Law provides the fundamental concepts, systematic structure, and thorough understanding of history that are needed to fix international law and provide a voice against future atrocity . . . Gordon has made a landmark contribution, laying out a creative but sound framework with care and depth. His proposals should be adopted and built upon in order to get ahead of hateful speech before it leads again to horror.” — Professor Carol Pauli, 40 Human Rights Quarterly 718, 729 (2018)

Professor Carol Pauli

Professor Carol Pauli

“Since its initial publication in 2017… Professor Gregory Gordon’s paradigm-shifting work…has helped change the very vocabulary we use to describe the rules and jurisprudence governing the relationship between hate speech and core international crimes, which is now commonly referred to by the book’s title.” — Giovanni Chiarini, PKI Global Justice Journal (2021)

Giovanni Chiarini

Giovanni Chiarini